What is an interesting fact about you?

 Hi. My name is Savannah. I was sexually abused for years and when I told, my family did not believe me. Quite the intro huh? During the time period when my family didn’t believe me to when my perpetrator was put behind bars- I became obsessed with the idea of moving to Hawaii. I would look at homes there on Craigslist. It was the ultimate safety bubble in my eyes. Some years passed and soon I was the student body president my senior year of highschool with the task of organizing the class graduation trip to Hawaii. I got a certain amount of people to sign up and pay in full by a set date- and in turn I was awarded a free trip to Hawaii.

On that trip, I decided I would take matters into my own hands and move to Hawaii. So I did. An interesting fact about me is that I made a seemingly unrealistic coping mechanism my reality.

Aloha from Hawaii!

The last thing I want is sympathy, pity, or praise. I simply play the cards that life has dealt me, and write about it.

The world has enough narcissism, and I don’t mean to contribute to that void. I enjoy telling stories and I happen to be filled to the brim with them.

So- save the comments claiming I’m “fishing for attention.” I’ll have you know I don’t even like fishing. Thanks.

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